Monday, July 18, 2011

We're going to see a film by Bob Dylan!

Richie Valens, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bobby Darin, Ray Charles and Johnny Cash are just some of the famous musicians who have obtained important Hollywood biopics made about them over the years. While there are many more musicians who deserve their own films, none of them deserve more of Bob Dylan. I've been a fan of Dylan for some years and although his music is something you should just "get", his character and the legend is undeniable.

And Yes, I know that last year, I am there came out and many people feel that a biopic of Dylan. But it wasn't. It was good, artsy films that alluded to certain parts of Dylan, but was not a biopic in the traditional sense. I want to see a photo of Bob Dylan in the mood to toe the line or Ray. Much of his life is still a mystery, and it would be nice to see him play off the silver screen.

The biggest question is how long do you make this film? If you cover every phase of his career 40-plus year, you're going to do a feature-length movie. Normally, I would suggest a film in two parts, but I wonder if the audience to sell a film, not to speak of two movies. Vaguely I think you have to focus on music and spend most of their time to the staff of Bob Dylan; gli amori, medications, friends, etc.

Somehow, you can make the argument that the only way to make Bob Dylan each justice is to make a film as I am not here. Dylan was always evolving and always looking to find out who was/is a film not perhaps is the way to go. But even with that in mind, I'd like to see a biopic. Martin Scorsese engage and make the film. Everyone in Hollywood loves Dylan and always a great cast together should not be any problem.

Of course, to really make this work, it needs to be done in collaboration with Dylan. Now would be a good time to point out that he is not getting any younger and the guy still tour constantly and chain smokes. If Dylan was involved with the film, he could fill in some gaps in his life that need to be told. I think now is the time for him to set the right team and take a picture like this. He has always been fascinated with movies and this would be a nice way to cap off his career more incredible musical of all time.

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